An inter­view with

Patrick Booz

Pos­i­tion & Affil­i­ation: Adjunct Pro­fess­or, Tibetan Stud­ies, Columbia Uni­ver­sity, New York
Date: March 7, 2018 in Oxford, United Kingdom
Inter­viewed by: Anna Sehnalova

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Oral His­tory of Tibetan Stud­ies. (2021, Decem­ber 2). An inter­view with Patrick Booz. Retrieved 7 Feb­ru­ary 2025, from
“An inter­view with Patrick Booz.” Oral His­tory of Tibetan Stud­ies, 2 Dec. 2021,
Oral His­tory of Tibetan Stud­ies. 2021. An inter­view with Patrick Booz. [online], Avail­able at: [Accessed 7 Feb­ru­ary 2025]
Oral His­tory of Tibetan Stud­ies. “An inter­view with Patrick Booz.” 2021, Decem­ber 2.

Dis­claim­er: The views and opin­ions expressed in this inter­view are those of the inter­viewee and do not neces­sar­ily rep­res­ent the offi­cial pos­i­tion of the Oral His­tory of Tibetan Stud­ies project.


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