An inter­view with

Richard Gombrich

Pos­i­tion & Affil­i­ation: Emer­it­us Pro­fess­or of Sanskrit, Uni­ver­sity of Oxford
Date: Feb­ru­ary 27, 2018, Oxford
Inter­viewed by: Anna Sehnalova & Rachael Griffiths

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Oral His­tory of Tibetan Stud­ies. “An inter­view with Richard Gom­brich.” 2021, Decem­ber 2.

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  1. Pre­cept and prac­tice: tra­di­tion­al Buddhism in the rur­al high­lands of Ceylon. Oxford: Clar­en­don Press, 1971.
  2. Edit­or: Coulson, Michael. Teach your­self Sanskrit: an intro­duc­tion to the clas­sic­al lan­guage. Lon­don: Hod­der & Stoughton, 1976.
  3. Cone, Mar­garet, and Richard Gom­brich. The per­fect gen­er­os­ity of Prince Vess­antara. Oxford: Clar­en­don Press, 1977.
  4. On being Sanskrit­ic: a plea for civ­il­ized study and the study of civil­iz­a­tion. Oxford: Clar­en­don Press, 1978.
  5. Balasoor­iya, Somar­at­na, André Bar­eau, Richard Gom­brich, Siri Gun­as­ing­ha, Udaya Mallawarach­chi & Edmund Perry, eds. Buddhist stud­ies in hon­our of Wal­pola Rahula. Lon­don: Gor­don Fraser, 1980.
  6. Bech­ert, Heinz & Richard Gom­brich, eds. The world of Buddhism: Buddhist monks and nuns in soci­ety and cul­ture. Lon­don: Thames & Hud­son, 1984. Paper­back ed. 1991.
  7. Dhammap­ala, Gatare, Richard Gom­brich & K.R. Nor­man, eds. Buddhist stud­ies in hon­our of Ham­ma­lava Saddha­tissa. Nuge­goda, Sri Lanka: Ham­ma­lava Saddha­tissa Feli­cit­a­tion Volume Com­mit­tee, Uni­ver­sity of Sri Jaye­warde­ne­pura, 1984.
  8. Theravāda Buddhism: a social his­tory from ancient Ben­ares to mod­ern Colombo. Lon­don: Rout­ledge & Kegan Paul, 1988.
  9. Gom­brich, Richard, & Gananath Obeyesekere. Buddhism trans­formed: reli­gious change in Sri Lanka. Prin­ceton, NJ: Prin­ceton Uni­ver­sity Press, 1988. Paper­back ed. 1990.
  10. Indi­an ritu­al and its exeges­is. Del­hi: Oxford Uni­ver­sity Press, 1988.
  11. Buddhist pre­cept and prac­tice. (Rev. ed. of 1. above.) Del­hi: Motilal Banarsi­dass, 1991.
  12. Buddhist pre­cept and prac­tice. (Reprint of 11. above.) Lon­don: Kegan Paul Inter­na­tion­al, 1995.
  13. How Buddhism began: the con­di­tioned gen­es­is of the early teach­ings. Lon­don: Ath­lone Press, 1996.
  14. Reli­gious exper­i­ence in early Buddhism? Eighth annu­al BASR lec­ture, 1997. Brit­ish Asso­ci­ation for the Study of Reli­gions Occa­sion­al Paper 17. Uni­ver­sity of Leeds: Leeds [1998].
  15. Kind­ness and com­pas­sion as means to nir­vana. (1997 Gonda Lec­ture). Ams­ter­dam: Roy­al Neth­er­lands Academy of Arts and Sci­ences, 1998.
  16. Trans­la­tion of 9 above into Japan­ese, trsln Iwao Shi­ma, Kyoto: Hozokan, 2002.
  17. Trans­la­tion of 8 above into Japan­ese, 2006.
  18. Theravāda Buddhism: a social his­tory from ancient Ben­ares to mod­ern Colombo. 2nd  Lon­don: Rout­ledge, 2006.
  19. How Buddhism began: the con­di­tioned gen­es­is of the early teach­ings. 2nd Lon­don: Rout­ledge, 2006.
  20. Gom­brich, Richard & Cristina Scher­­rer-Schaub, eds. Buddhist Stud­ies: Papers of the 12th World Sanskrit Con­fer­ence, vol.8. Del­hi: Motilal Banarsi­dass, 2008.
  21. What the Buddha thought. Lon­don & Oak­ville: Equi­nox, 2009.
  22. Buddhist philo­sophy. Revue Inter­na­tionale de Philo­soph­ie, v.64 (3), Par­is, 2010
  23. Cone, Mar­garet, & Richard Gom­brich. The per­fect gen­er­os­ity of Prince Vess­antara. Bris­tol: Pali Text Soci­ety, 2011. 2nd of no. 3 above.


  1. The con­sec­ra­tion of a Buddhist image. Journ­al of Asi­an Stud­ies, v.26 (1), 1966, pp.23–36.
  2. Food for sev­en grand­moth­ers: stages in the uni­ver­sal­iz­a­tion of a Sin­halese ritu­al. Man: Journ­al of the Roy­al Anthro­po­lo­gic­al Insti­tute,6 (1),1971, pp.5–17.
  3. Sin­halese Buddhism. Man, Myth and Magic, 92, 1971, pp.2585–7.
  4. Mer­it trans­fer­ence” in Sin­halese Buddhism: a case of the inter­ac­tion between doc­trine and prac­tice. His­tory of Reli­gions,11 (2), 1971, pp.203–19.
  5. The fifty stan­zas of a thief. Mah­fil, v.7 (3–4), 1971, pp.175–86. (Trans­la­tion of the Caura-pañcāsikā with an introduction.)
  6. Fem­in­ine ele­ments in Sin­halese Buddhism. Wien­er Zeits­chrift für die Kunde Südasi­ens,16, 1972, pp.67–93.
  7. Le cler­gé bouddhiste d’une cir­con­scrip­tion kan­di­enne et les éléc­tions générales de 1965. Social Com­pass, v.20 (2), 1973, pp.257–66.
  8. The Divine Light Mis­sion. Lyci­das (Wolf­son Col­lege magazine), 2, 1973–4, pp.24–5.
  9. Eli­ade on Buddhism. Reli­gious Stud­ies, v.10 (2), 1974, pp.225–31.
  10. A lex­ic­al note on Bambhad­at­ta’s story: Obe­d­io and sarisari/saribhari. Journ­al of the Ori­ent­al Insti­tute (Bar­oda), v.24 (1–2), Sep-Dec 1974, pp.145–47.
  11. A party for “Hare Krishna”. Lyci­das, v.3, 1974–5, pp.24–26.
  12. Ancient Indi­an cos­mo­logy. In Ancient Cos­mo­lo­gies. C. Black­er & M. Loewe, eds. Lon­don: Allen & Unwin, 1975, pp.110–42.
  13. Buddhist karma and social con­trol. Com­par­at­ive Stud­ies in Soci­ety and His­tory, v.17 (2), 1975, pp.212–220.
  14. The case for Sanskrit. The Times High­er Edu­ca­tion­al Sup­ple­ment, p.3, 19th Septem­ber 1975.
  15. Obser­va­tions on the Vess­antara Jātaka. Inde ancienne: Act­es du XXIXe Con­grès Inter­na­tion­al des Ori­ent­al­istes, Par­is, juil­let 1973. Par­is: L’Asiathèque, 1976, pp.61–67.
  16. A Sin­halese cloth paint­ing of the Vess­antara Jātaka. In Buddhism in Ceylon and stud­ies on reli­gious syn­cret­ism in Buddhist coun­tries: Report on a sym­posi­um in Göt­tin­gen. H. Bech­ert, ed. Göt­tin­gen: Vand­en­hoeck & Ruprecht, pp.77–88, 1978.
  17. Kos­ala-Bimba-Vaṇṇānā. In Buddhism in Ceylon and stud­ies on reli­gious syn­cret­ism in Buddhist coun­tries: Report on a sym­posi­um in Göt­tin­gen. H. Bech­ert, ed. Göt­tin­gen: Vand­en­hoeck & Ruprecht, 1978, pp.281–303.
  18. The Buddha’s eye, the evil eye and Dr. Rueli­us. In Buddhism in Ceylon and stud­ies on reli­gious syn­cret­ism in Buddhist coun­tries: Report on a sym­posi­um in Göt­tin­gen. H. Bech­ert, ed. Göt­tin­gen: Vand­en­hoeck & Ruprecht, 1978, pp.335–338.
  19. The duty of a Buddhist accord­ing to the Pali scrip­tures. In The concept of duty in South Asia. O’F­la­herty & J. Derrett, eds. Lon­don: Vikas, 1978, pp.107–118.
  20. Bib­li­o­graphy of South Asi­an Buddhism. In South Asi­an bib­li­o­graphy: a hand­book and guide. Pear­son, ed. Sus­sex: Har­vester Press, 1979, pp.119–120.
  21. Bib­li­o­graphy of Jain­ism. In South Asi­an bib­li­o­graphy: a hand­book and guide. J. Pear­son, ed. Sus­sex: Har­vester Press, 1979, pp.121–123.
  22. He cooks softly”: adverbs in Sanskrit gram­mar. Bul­let­in of the School of Ori­ent­al and Afric­an Stud­ies, Uni­ver­sity of Lon­don, v.42 (2), 1979, pp.244–56.
  23. The sig­ni­fic­ance of former Buddhas in Theravād­in tra­di­tion. In Buddhist stud­ies in hon­our of Wal­pola Rahula. S. Balasoor­iya, et al., eds. Lon­don: Gor­don Fraser, 1980, pp.62–72.
  24. A new Theravād­in liturgy. Journ­al of the Pali Text Soci­ety, v.9: 47–73, 1981. (A shortened ver­sion is reprin­ted in The life of Buddhism.  Frank E. Reyn­olds & Jason A. Car­bine, eds.  Berke­ley: UCAL Press, chapter 13, 2000, pp.180–193.)
  25. Buddhists and death. Shap Mail­ing 1982. W. Cole, ed. 1982, pp.5–6.
  26. A Buddhist pil­grim­age in Sri Lanka. Shap Mail­ing 1983. M. Hay­ward, ed.1983, pp.12–13. Reprin­ted in Reli­gions and edu­ca­tion: Shap Work­ing Party 1969–89. Wood, ed. Isle­worth: Shap Work­ing Party, 1989, pp.15–16.
  27. Richard Gom­brich chooses Con­jec­tures and refut­a­tions by Karl Pop­per. The Times High­er Edu­ca­tion­al Sup­ple­ment. (“Mile­stones” series) 27th May 1983, p.13.
  28. From mon­as­tery to med­it­a­tion centre: lay med­it­a­tion in mod­ern Sri Lanka. In Buddhist stud­ies ancient and mod­ern. P. Den­wood & A. Piatig­or­sky, eds. Lon­don: Curzon Press, 1983, pp.20–34.
  29. Gupta, San­jukta & Richard Gom­brich. Anoth­er view of wid­ow-burn­ing and woman­li­ness in Indi­an pub­lic cul­ture. The Journ­al of Com­mon­wealth and Com­par­at­ive Polit­ics, v.22 (3), 1984, pp.252–258.
  30. Intro­duc­tion: the Buddhist way. In The world of Buddhism: Buddhist monks and nuns in soci­ety and cul­ture. H. Bech­ert & Richard Gom­brich, eds. Lon­don: Thames & Hud­son, 1984, pp.9–14.
  31. Buddhism in ancient India: the evol­u­tion of the sangha. In The world of Buddhism: Buddhist monks and nuns in soci­ety and cul­ture. H. Bech­ert & R. Gom­brich, eds. Lon­don: Thames & Hud­son, 1984, pp.77–89.
  32. Buddhist sac­red writ­ings. Shap Mail­ing 1984. M. Hay­ward, ed. 1984, pp.1–5.
  33. Notes on the brah­min­ic­al back­ground to Buddhist eth­ics. In Buddhist stud­ies in hon­our of Ham­ma­lava Saddha­tissa. G. Dhammap­ala, R. Gom­brich & K.R. Nor­man, eds. Nuge­goda, Sri Lanka: Ham­ma­lava Saddha­tissa Feli­cit­a­tion Volume Com­mit­tee, Uni­ver­sity of Sri Jaye­warde­ne­pura, 1984, pp.91–102.
  34. Tem­por­ary ordin­a­tion in Sri Lanka. The Journ­al of the Inter­na­tion­al Asso­ci­ation of Buddhist Stud­ies, v.7 (2), 1984, pp.41–65.
  35. In The Group of Dis­courses (Sutta-Nipāta), Vol. 1. K.R. Nor­man, tr. Pali Text Soci­ety: Lon­don, 1984.
  36. The Vess­antara Jātaka, the Rāmāy­ana and the Dasaratha Jātaka. Journ­al of the Amer­ic­an Ori­ent­al Soci­ety, v.105 (3), 1985, pp.427–37.
  37. The state of Indo­lo­gic­al stud­ies in the U.K. today. South Asi­an stud­ies: papers presen­ted at a col­loqui­um 24–26 April 1985. Brit­ish Lib­rary Occa­sion­al Papers, 7. Alb­ertine Gaur, ed. Lon­don: Brit­ish Lib­rary, 1986, pp.57–62.
  38. Buddhist fest­ivals. In Fest­ivals in world reli­gions. A. Brown, ed. Lon­don: Long­man, 1986, pp.31–59.
  39. Gupta, San­jukta, & Richard Gom­brich. Kings, power and the god­dess. South Asia Research, 6, 1986, pp.123–37.
  40. Indo­logy is in a very bad way. The Tele­graph, Cal­cutta, 3rd April 1986, p.6.
  41. Most Indi­ans know next to noth­ing of their cul­tur­al past. The Tele­graph, Cal­cutta, 4th April 1986.
  42. Obit­u­ary of Prof. Thomas Bur­row, Sanskrit and Dravidi­an Stud­ies. The Times, Lon­don, 18th June 1986.
  43. Brah­mins and bar­bar­i­ans. Oxford Magazine, v.20, 1987, pp.3–4.
  44. Old bod­ies like carts. Journ­al of the Pali Text Soci­ety, v.11, 1987, pp.1–4.
  45. Buddhist cult­ic life in South­east Asia. In The encyc­lo­pe­dia of reli­gion. M. Eli­ade, ed. New York: Mac­mil­lan, v.5, pp.463–67, 1987. (Reprin­ted in Buddhism and Asi­an his­tory: read­ings from The encyc­lo­pe­dia of reli­gion. M. Kit­agawa & M. Cum­mings, eds. New York: Mac­mil­lan, 1989, pp.309–15.)
  46. Three souls, one or none: the vagar­ies of a Pali peri­cope. Journ­al of the Pali Text Soci­ety, v.11, 1987, pp.73–8.
  47. What kind of thing is reli­gion? In The Shap hand­book on world reli­gions in edu­ca­tion. A. Brown, ed. Lon­don: The Com­mis­sion for Racial Equal­ity, 1987, p.20.
  48. A selec­tion of resources: Buddhism. In The Shap hand­book on world reli­gions in edu­ca­tion. A. Brown, ed. Lon­don: The Com­mis­sion for Racial Equal­ity, 1987, pp.56–57.
  49. The Buddha and Buddhists. In Exper­i­en­cing Buddhism: The report of the sixth “York Shap” con­fer­ence. York: York Reli­gious Edu­ca­tion Centre, 1988, pp.2–12.
  50. Com­ment une réli­gion se défin­it elle-même: le bouddhisme. In Le grand atlas des réli­gions. Bal­adi­er, ed. Par­is: Encyc­lo­pae­dia Uni­ver­sal­is, 1988, pp.36–37.
  51. Dieu, les dieux, le divin: le bouddhisme. In Le grand atlas des réli­gions. C. Bal­adi­er, ed. Par­is: Encyc­lo­pae­dia Uni­ver­sal­is, 1988, pp.176–77.
  52. The his­tory of early Buddhism: major advances since 1950. In Indo­lo­gic­al stud­ies and South Asia bib­li­o­graphy: a con­fer­ence 1986. Das, ed. Cal­cutta: Nation­al Lib­rary of Cal­cutta, 1988, pp.12–30.
  53. Two notes on Visuddhi­magga IX. Journ­al of the Pali Text Soci­ety, v.12, 1988, pp.169–71.
  54. How the Mahāyāna began. Journ­al of Pali and Buddhist Stud­ies (Nagoya), 1, pp.29–46, 1988. (Reprin­ted in The Buddhist for­um: sem­in­ar papers 1987–1988. Skorupski, ed. Lon­don: School of Ori­ent­al and Afric­an Stud­ies, Uni­ver­sity of Lon­don, v.1, 1990, pp.21–30.)
  55. Recov­er­ing the Buddha’s mes­sage. In Earli­est Buddhism and Mad­hya­maka. D. Ruegg and L. Schmithausen, eds. Leiden: Brill, pp.5–23, 1990. (Reprin­ted in The Buddhist For­um: Sem­in­ar papers 1987–1988. T. Skorupski, ed. Lon­don: School of Ori­ent­al and Afric­an Stud­ies, Uni­ver­sity of Lon­don, v.1, 1990, pp.5–20.)
  56. A note on Ambap­ālī’s wit. Journ­al of the Pali Text Soci­ety, v.15, 1990, pp.139–40.
  57. Mak­ing moun­tains without mole­hills: the case of the miss­ing stupa. Journ­al of the Pali Text Soci­ety, v.15, 1990, pp.41–143.
  58. How might we edu­cate our stu­dents? Oxford Magazine, 1990, pp.9–10.
  59. Reflec­tions of an Indo­lo­gist. In Reli­gious plur­al­ism and unbe­lief: stud­ies crit­ic­al and com­par­at­ive. Ham­nett, ed. Lon­don & New York: Rout­ledge, 1990, pp.243–61.
  60. Pātimokkha: pur­gat­ive. In Stud­ies in Buddhism and cul­ture in hon­our of Pro­fess­or Dr. Egaku Mayeda on his sixty-fifth birth­day. The Edit­or­i­al Com­mit­tee of the Feli­cit­a­tion Volume for Pro­fess­or Dr. Egaku Mayeda, eds. Tokyo: Sankibo Busshor­in, 1991, pp.31–38.
  61. Obit­u­ary of Pro­fess­or B.K. Mat­ilal. The Times, Lon­don, 12th June 1991.
  62. Can we know or con­trol our futures? In Buddhist essays: a mis­cel­lany. G. Piy­a­tissa Thera, L. Per­era & K. Goonesena, eds. Lon­don: Sri Saddha­tissa Inter­na­tion­al Buddhist Centre, 1992, pp.240–252.
  63. The Buddha’s Book of Gen­es­is? Indo-Ira­n­i­an Journ­al, v.35, 1992, pp.159–78.
  64. Why six former Buddhas? In The Journ­al of Ori­ent­al Research. Madras: The Kup­puswami Sastri Research Insti­tute, 1992, pp.326–30.
  65. Dat­ing the Buddha: a red her­ring revealed. In The dat­ing of the his­tor­ic­al Buddha/Die Datier­ung des his­tor­ischen Buddha. Part 2. (Sym­posi­en zur Buddhis­mus­forschung, IV/2) Heinz Bech­ert, ed. Göt­tin­gen: Vand­en­hoeck & Ruprecht, 1992, pp.237–259.
  66. Why is a khat­tiya called a khat­tiya? The Aggaññas­utta revis­ited. Journ­al of the Pali Text Soci­ety, v.17, 1992, pp.213–14.
  67. A moment­ous effect of trans­la­tion: the “vehicles” of Buddhism. Apodos­is: Essays presen­ted to Dr. W.W. Cruick­shank to mark his 80th birth­day. St. Paul’s School, 1992, Lon­don, pp.34–46.
  68. Buddhist pre­dic­tion: how open is the future? Pre­dict­ing the future. Leo Howe & Alan Wain, eds. Cam­bridge: Cam­bridge Uni­ver­sity Press, 1993, pp.144–68.
  69. Buddhism in the mod­ern world: sec­u­lar­iz­a­tion or prot­est­ant­iz­a­tion? In Sec­u­lar­iz­a­tion, ration­al­ism and sec­tari­an­ism. Essays in hon­our of Bry­an R. Wilson. Eileen Bark­er, James A. Beck­ford & Karel Dob­be­laere, eds. Oxford: Clar­en­don Press, 1993, pp.247–269.
  70. Under­stand­ing early Buddhist ter­min­o­logy in its con­text. Pali Dae­jangkang Urim­al Olmgim Non­mon Moum II / “A Korean trans­la­tion of Pali Tip­itaka vol. II, Seoul, 1993, pp.74–101.
  71. What is Pali? In A Pali gram­mar, W.Geiger, trsln. B.Ghosh, rev. & ed. K.R.Norman. Pali Text Soci­ety, Oxford, 1994, pp.xxiii–xxix.
  72. Asoka, the great upa­saka. King Asoka and Buddhism. His­tor­ic­al and Lit­er­ary Stud­ies Anuradha Senevir­at­na, ed., Kandy: Buddhist Pub­lic­a­tion Soci­ety, 1994, pp.127–36. Reprin­ted from book no. 8.
  73. A Buddho­lo­gist’s impres­sion of Japan­ese Buddhism. Japan­ese new reli­gions in the West, Peter Clarke & Jef­frey Somers, eds. Folke­stone: Japan Library/Curzon Press, 1994, pp.15–24.
  74. The Buddha and the Jains: a reply to Pro­fess­or Bronk­horst. Asi­at­ische Stud­i­en, v.XLVIII (4), 1994, pp.1069–196.
  75. Trans­la­tion of 68 above into Itali­an in Pre­dire il futuro, trsln Mar­ina Astro­logo, Bari: Ediz­ioni Dedalo srl, 1994, pp.131–150.
  76. Trans­la­tion of 68 above into Span­ish in Pre­decir el futuro, trsln Daniel Man­zanares, Ángel Luis Sanz & Jesús Unturbe, Mad­rid: Ali­anza Edit­or­i­al S.A., 1994, pp.153–75.
  77. Trans­la­tion of 54 above into Span­ish in Rev­ista de Estu­di­os Budis­tas, no.9, 1995, pp.24–41.
  78. Trans­la­tion of 12 above into Pol­ish by Mar­zenna & Krzysztof Jak­ub­czak in Kwartal­nik Filo­zoficzny, v.XXIII (3–4), Krakow, 1995, pp.181–212.
  79. Teach­ing Buddhism in the primary school. Hyon Kwang Sun­im & Richard Gom­brich, Resource, v.17 (2), 1995, pp.6–9.
  80. The monk in the Pāli vinaya: priest or wed­ding guest? Journ­al of the Pali Text Soci­ety, v.21, 1995, pp.193–97.
  81. Bur­row, Thomas. The Dic­tion­ary of Nation­al Bio­graphy 1986–1990, C.S. Nich­olls, ed. Oxford: OUP, 1996, pp.54–55.
  82. Con­flict and recon­cili­ation in World reli­gions in edu­ca­tion 1996/1997, SHAP Work­ing Party on World Reli­gions in Edu­ca­tion. Croy­don: Newlook Trans­lat­ors & Pub­lish­ers, 1996.
  83. Free­dom and author­ity in Buddhism. Free­dom and author­ity in reli­gions and reli­gious edu­ca­tion, Bri­an Gates ed. Lon­don: Cas­sell, 1996.
  84. Il Buddhismo: etica senza anima. Vie alla salvezza, Ciclo di con­fer­en­ze, 1996. Col­lana, Torino Incon­tra, Torino: Centro Con­gressi, 1996, pp.94–114.
  85. The earli­est Brahmanical ref­er­ence to Buddhism? Relativ­ism, suf­fer­ing and bey­ond: essays in memory of Bim­al K. Mat­ilal, P. Bili­mor­ia & J. N. Mohanty eds. Del­hi: OUP, 1997, pp.31–49.
  86. Is dharma a good thing? Dia­logue and Uni­ver­sal­ism11–12, 1997, pp.147–63.
  87. The Buddhist atti­tude to thau­mat­urgy. Bauddhavidyāsud­hākaraḥ: stud­ies in hon­our of Heinz Bech­ert on the occa­sion of his 65th birth­day, Petra Kief­fer-Pülz & Jens-Uwe Hart­mann eds. Swisttal-Odendorf: Indica et Tibet­ica, 1997, pp.166–84.
  88. Obit­u­ary of the Ven­er­able Dr Wal­pola Rahula. The Middle Way, v.73 (2), 1998, pp.115–19.
  89. Sir Wil­li­am Jones 1746–1974, a com­mem­or­a­tion, Alex­an­der Mur­ray ed. Oxford: OUP, 1998, pp.3–15.
  90. Not everyone’s mil­len­ni­um. Bal­liol Col­lege Magazine, 1999.
  91. Organ­ized bod­hisat­tvas: a blind alley in Buddhist his­tori­ography. Sūry­acandrāya: essays in hon­our of Akira Yuyama, Paul Har­ris­on & Gregory Schopen eds. Swisttal-Odendorf: Indica et Tibet­ica, pp.43–56, 1998. Reprin­ted in Stud­ies in Hindu and Buddhist art, P.K. Mishra ed. New Del­hi: Abh­inav Pub­lic­a­tions, 1999.
  92. Dis­cov­er­ing the Buddha’s date. Buddhism for the new mil­len­ni­um, Lak­sh­man S. Per­era ed. Lon­don: World Buddhist Found­a­tion, 2000, pp.9–25.
  93. Buddhist Stud­ies in Bri­tain. The state of Buddhist stud­ies in the world 1972–1997, Don­ald K. Swear­er, Som­parn Promta eds.  Bangkok: Cen­ter for Buddhist Stud­ies, Chu­lalongkorn Uni­ver­sity, 2000, pp.171–89.
  94. A vis­it to Brah­mā the her­on, Journ­al of Indi­an Philo­sophy, v.29, April 2001, pp.95–108.
  95. Wir sind stets die Erben unser­er Taten: Karma und mensch­liche Selb­st­bestim­mung im Buddhis­mus, RELIGIONEN unter­wegs, Wien, v.7 (2), May 2001, pp.4–9.
  96. Liv­ing com­munity: the Buddhist order, World reli­gions in edu­ca­tion 2001/2002, Lon­don: SHAP Work­ing Party on World Reli­gions in Edu­ca­tion, 2001, pp.28–30.
  97. Anoth­er Buddhist cri­ti­cism of Yājñavalkya, Buddhist and Indi­an Stud­ies in hon­our of Pro­fess­or Sodo Mori, Ham­matsu: Kok­u­sai Bukkyoto Kyokai, 2002, pp.21–23.
  98. Budusamaya saha Śrī Laṅkāvē janavār­gika ghaṭṭanaya, Dīgallē Mahinda ed. Colombo: Samay­award­hana, 2003. Trans­la­tion into Sin­hala of “Buddhist fun­da­ment­al­ism? Buddhist viol­ence?  The War in Sri Lanka.”  Paper presen­ted at the con­fer­ence on Fun­da­ment­al­ism in South Asia, Heidel­berg 2000.
  99. Obses­sion with ori­gins”: atti­tudes to Buddhist stud­ies in the old world and the new, Approach­ing the Dhamma: Buddhist texts and prac­tices in South and South­east Asia, Anne M. Black­burn & Jef­frey Samuels eds. Seattle: BPS Par­iy­atti Edi­tions, 2003, pp.3–15.
  100. Mer­it detached from voli­tion: how a Buddhist doc­trine came to wear a Jain aspect, Jain­ism and early Buddhism: essays in hon­or of Pad­man­abh S. Jaini, Olle Qvarn­ström ed. Fre­mont: Asi­an Human­it­ies Press, 2003, pp.427–439.
  101. Vedānta stood on its head: sakkāya and sakkāya-diṭṭhi, 2nd Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence on Indi­an Stud­ies: pro­ceed­ings, Ren­ata Czekal­ska & Halina Mar­lewicz eds. (Cra­cow Indo­lo­gic­al series IV–V), Krakow: Ksie­gar­nia Aka­demicka, 2003, pp.227–238.
  102. India’s gift to the world: ahimsa, Jain Spir­it, no.18, March–May 2004, pp.26–27.
  103. Under­stand­ing the Buddha: meth­ods and res­ults. Korean Soci­ety for Indi­an Philo­sophy, 2004.
  104. Reli­gious exper­i­ence in early Buddhism? Reprint of 13 above.  Reli­gion: Empir­ic­al Stud­ies, Steven J. Sutcliffe ed. Alder­shot: Ashg­ate, 2004, pp.123–147.
  105. Colebrooke, Henry Thomas (1765–1837). Oxford Dic­tion­ary of Nation­al Bio­graphy, Oxford: Oxford Uni­ver­sity Press, 2004.
  106. Turnour, George (1799–1843). Oxford Dic­tion­ary of Nation­al Bio­graphy, Oxford: Oxford Uni­ver­sity Press, 2004.
  107. Dav­ids, Thomas Wil­li­am Rhys (1843–1922). Oxford Dic­tion­ary of Nation­al Bio­graphy, Oxford: Oxford Uni­ver­sity Press, 2004.
  108. Reprint of 81 above.
  109. Gananath Obeyesekere. The Island, 3 Feb­ru­ary, 2005.
  110. Major new dis­cov­er­ies about the Buddha’s teach­ings. Buddhism in the West, Galayaye Piy­a­dassi …[et al], eds.  Lon­don: World Buddhist Found­a­tion, 2005, pp.149–152.
  111. Keywords in South Asi­an stud­ies: karma. SOAS, Centre of South Asi­an Stud­ies web­site,
  112. Thoughts about karma. Buddhism and Jain­ism, essays in hon­our of Dr. Hojun Naga­saki on his 70th birth­day, Edit­or­i­al Com­mit­tee, ed.  Kyoto: Heirak­uji Shoten, 2005, pp.740–726 (sic).
  113. Is the Sri Lankan war a Buddhist fun­da­ment­al­ism? Buddhism, con­flict and viol­ence in mod­ern Sri Lanka, Mahinda Dee­galle, ed.  (Rout­ledge crit­ic­al stud­ies in Buddhism series), Lon­don & New York: Rout­ledge, 2006, pp.22–37. Ori­gin­al of 98 above, under new title.
  114. Par­od­ie und Ironie in den Reden des Buddha. RELIGIONEN unter­wegs, Wien, v.12 (2), Mai 2006, pp.4–8.
  115. The fifty stan­zas of a thief. ed. of art­icle 5 above.  Love Lyr­ics, New York: NYU Press & JJC Found­a­tion, 2005, pp.277–315. Trans­la­tion of the Caura-pañcāsikā by Bil­haṇa, with an intro­duc­tion & notes.
  116. Pop­peri­an vinaya: con­jec­ture and refut­a­tion in prac­tice. Pramāṇakīrtiḥ: papers ded­ic­ated to Ernst Steinkell­ner on the occa­sion of his 70th birth­day, Birgit Kell­ner …[et al] eds. Wien: Arbeit­skre­is für Tibet­ische und Buddhistische Stud­i­en Uni­versität Wien, 2007, pp.203—211.
  117. Why the monks took no delight in the Buddha’s words. South Asi­an Reli­gions & Cul­ture, v.2 (1), 2008, pp.83–87.
  118. Why has Brit­ish edu­ca­tion gone so wrong, and why can’t we stop the rot? Popper’s night­mare.  Hurly-Burly (Intl. Lacani­an Jnl of Psy­cho­ana­lys­is), (1) mai 2009, pp.185–192.
  119. Early Buddhist his­tori­ography: the need for authen­tic­a­tion. His­tory of sci­ence, philo­sophy and cul­ture in Indi­an civil­iz­a­tion, v.XIV. Part 4: dif­fer­ent types of his­tory, Bhar­ati Ray ed. Del­hi: Pear­son Long­man, 2009, pp.43–58.
  120. Tipiṭakapāṭhā sod­het­ab­bā: Aṅgulimālo ko? (= Read­ings in the Pali can­on need emend­a­tion: Who was Aṅgulimāla?) Buddhism in the New Cen­tury, Bangkok: Wat Bovorni­ves Vīhara, 2009, pp.94–103.
  121. Why tex­tu­al stud­ies mat­ter. Thai Inter­na­tion­al Journ­al of Buddhist Stud­ies (TIJBS), 1, 2009, pp.20–32.
  122. Dans le bouddhisme l’homme se crée par ses act­es. Le Point, hors-série 5 – les maîtres pen­seurs:  Le Bouddha.  février—mars 2010, pp.26–27.
  123. Revue Inter­na­tionale de Philo­soph­ie, v.64 (3) 2010, pp.311–313.
  124. The Buddha’s thought. Revue Inter­na­tionale de Philo­soph­ie, v.64 (3), 2010, pp.315–339.
  125. Edit­or­i­al, Journ­al of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Stud­ies,1, Oct 2011, pp.7–11.
  126. Fore­word”; Rel­ics of the Buddha and ara­hants and ven­er­a­tion, Hida­jat, Halim.     Tjan Sie Tek ed.
  127. Inter­view by Rai­mondo Bul­trini: “Ques­tioni di karma”. Sezione Cul­tura, Il Venerdi di Repub­blica. 14 Sep 2012, pp.112–116.
  128. Edit­or­i­al, Journ­al of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Stud­ies,2, May 2012, pp.7–8.
  129. Per­son­al inter­view,Tri­cycle,22 (1), Fall 2012, pp.62–64.
  130. Respons­ib­il­ity (Key­note address at Sam­buddhatva Jay­anti Vesak-Poson cel­eb­ra­tions. Brent Town Hall, 24 Jun 2012); Budu­maga, v.23 (1) Jan-Apr 2013.
  131. Journ­al of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Stud­ies, v.3, Nov 2012, pp.8–11.
  132. Is hope a ques­tion of karma? A Buddhist per­spect­ive. Eliza­beth Har­ris ed. Hope: a form of delu­sion?  Buddhist and Chris­ti­an per­spect­ives.  Emming, Ger­many: EOS, 2013, pp.45–61.
  133. Com­fort or chal­lenge? Middle Way, v.87 (4) 2013, pp.353–364. (Key­note address giv­en at The Dis­sem­in­a­tion of Theravada Buddhism in the 21st cen­tury, Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence, Salaya, Bangkok, Octo­ber 2010.)
  134. Buddhist Stud­ies in Oxford. The Oxford Theo­lo­gian, issue 4, Spring 2013, pp.20–21.
  135. Journ­al of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Stud­ies, v.4, May 2013, pp.5–7.
  136. Gom­brich, Richard & Yu-Shuang Yao, A rad­ic­al Buddhism for mod­ern Con­fucians: Tzu Chi in socio-his­t­or­ic­al per­spect­ive. Buddhist Stud­ies Review30 (2), Nov 2013, pp.237–259.
  137. Review response: Did the Buddha know Sanskrit? Buddhist Stud­ies Review30 (2), Nov 2013, pp.287–288.
  138. Journ­al of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Stud­ies v.5, Nov 2013, pp.6–8.
  • Brit­ish high­er edu­ca­tion in the last twenty years. Syn­thes­is Philo­soph­ica (Zagreb), v.28 (1–2), 2013, pp.7–29.
  1. The pos­sib­il­ity of Buddhism for the future of human­kind. Journ­al of Ori­ent­al Stud­ies, v.24, 2014, pp.158–168.
  2. Buddhism and viol­ence. 2014. Revised ver­sion of item 139. Pub­lished on OCBS website.
  3. Journ­al of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Stud­ies, v.6, May 2014, pp.7–8.
  4. Journ­al of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Stud­ies, v.7, Nov 2014, pp.7–10.
  5. Anālayo: Saṃy­ukta-āgama Stud­ies. Taipei: Dharma Drum Pub­lish­ing Corp, 2015, p.xi.
  6. Journ­al of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Stud­ies, v.8, May 2015, pp.7–9.
  7. Why is the kaṭh­ina robe so called? Journ­al of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Stud­ies, v.8, May 2015, pp.155–162.
  8. Gell­ner, D.N. & Richard Gom­brich, Buddhism. Inter­na­tion­al Encyc­lo­pe­dia of  the Social & Beha­vi­or­al Sci­ences. Oxford: Elsevi­er, 2015, pp.886–893.


  1. Journ­al of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Stud­ies, v.9, Nov 2015, p.7.
  2. The Mass Mur­der­er who owes his Exist­ence to Ignor­ance of Pali. Journ­al of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Stud­ies, v.9, Nov 2015.
  3. Journ­al of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Stud­ies, v.10, May 2016, pp.8–10.
  4. Journ­al of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Stud­ies, v.11, Nov 2016, pp.8–10.
  5. Open­ing address: “The Pos­sib­il­ity of Buddhism for the Future of Human­kind.” Journ­al of Ori­ent­al Stud­ies, 55 (2), 2016, pp.158–159.






  1. Mode, Die buddhistische Plastik Ceylons, Journ­al of the Roy­al Asi­at­ic Soci­ety, no.1, 1966, pp.84–85.
  2. Pott, Yoga and yan­tra, Journ­al of the Roy­al Asi­at­ic Soci­ety, no.1, 1968, pp.91–96.
  3. Reyn­olds ed., An antho­logy of Sin­halese lit­er­at­ure up to 1815, Bul­let­in of the School of Ori­ent­al and Afric­an Stud­ies, Uni­ver­sity of Lon­don, v.34, 1971, pp.623–24.
  4. (Review art­icle: Buddhism and Soci­ety🙂 Melford E. Spiro, Burmese super­nat­ur­al­ism and Buddhism and soci­ety: a great tra­di­tion and Its Burmese vicis­situdes. Mod­ern Asi­an Stud­ies, v.6 (4), 1972, pp.483–96.
  5. Roy ed., Suvarnav­arnāvadāna: decipher­ment and his­tor­ic­al study of a palm-leaf Sanskrit manu­script — an unknown Mahāyāna (avadāna) text from Tibet, Journ­al of the Roy­al Asi­at­ic Soci­ety, no.2, 1973, pp.180–81.
  6. F. Staal ed., A read­er on the Sanskrit gram­mari­ans, South Asia Review, v.6 (3), 1973, pp.261–63.
  7. Dehejia, Early Buddhist rock temples, Reli­gious Stud­ies, v.10 (1), 1973, pp. 110–12.
  8. Par­rinder, The indes­truct­ible soul, Reli­gious Stud­ies, v.10 (2) 1974, pp.240–41.
  9. Katar­agama (film), Roy­al Anthro­po­lo­gic­al Insti­tute News­let­ter, no.3, 1974, pp.8–9.
  10. Bunnag, Buddhist monk, Buddhist lay­man: a study of urb­an mon­ast­ic organ­iz­a­tion in Cent­ral Thai­l­and, Reli­gion, v.4 (2), 1974, pp.165–67.
  11. R. Nor­man trans., The Eld­ers’ Verses. II Ther­īgāthā, Bul­let­in of the School of Ori­ent­al and Afric­an Stud­ies, Uni­ver­sity of Lon­don, v.37 (3) 1974, pp.703–05.
  12. O’F­la­herty, Asceti­cism and erot­i­cism in the myth­o­logy of Siva, Journ­al of the Roy­al Asi­at­ic Soci­ety, no.1, 1975, pp.76–77.
  13. Maras­inghe, Gods in early Buddhism: a study in their social and myth­o­lo­gic­al milieu as depic­ted in the Nikāy­as of the Pali can­on, Journ­al of Asi­an Stud­ies, v.36 (1), 1976, pp.175–76.
  14. Cous­ins, A. Kunst & K. Nor­man eds., Buddhist stud­ies in hon­our of I.B. Horner, Journ­al of the Roy­al Asi­at­ic Soci­ety, no.1, 1977, pp.132–33.
  15. Smith ed., Tra­di­tion and change in Theravāda Buddhism: essays on Ceylon and Thai­l­and in the 19th and 20th cen­tur­ies, Ori­ent­al­is­che Lit­er­at­urzei­tung, v.73 (3), 1978, pp.290–91.
  16. (Pub­lished under the title: “Dyads, Tri­ads and Ary­ans”:) G. Duméz­il, Les dieux souverains des Indo-européens, Times Lit­er­ary Sup­ple­ment, 25th Janu­ary 1978, p.144.
  17. O’F­la­herty, Hindu myths: a source­book. Trans­lated from the Sanskrit with an intro­duc­tion, Reli­gious Stud­ies, v.14, 1978, pp.273–74.
  18. Bhat­tacharya, L’at­man-brah­man dans le bouddhisme ancien, Archives Inter­na­tionales d’His­toire des Sci­ences, 1978, pp.128–29.
  19. Malal­goda, Buddhism in Sin­halese soci­ety, 1750–1900: a study of reli­gious reviv­al and change, Journ­al of Asi­an Stud­ies, v.37 (2), 1978, pp.393–95.
  20. Tam­bi­ah, World con­quer­or and world renoun­cer: a study of Buddhism and polity in Thai­l­and against a his­tor­ic­al back­ground, Bul­let­in of the School of Ori­ent­al and Afric­an Stud­ies, Uni­ver­sity of Lon­don, v.41 (2), 1978, pp.410–12.
  21. (Pub­lished under the title  “The Fis­si­par­ous Monks”) E. Mendel­son, Sangha and state in Burma: a study of mon­ast­ic sec­tari­an­ism and lead­er­ship, Times Lit­er­ary Sup­ple­ment, 4th Septem­ber 1978, p.896.
  22. Klop­pen­borg, The Pac­ceka­buddha: a Buddhist ascet­ic: a study of the concept of the pac­ceka­buddha in Pāli canon­ic­al and com­ment­ari­al lit­er­at­ure, Ori­ent­al­is­che Lit­er­at­urzei­tung, v74 (1), 1978, pp.78–80.
  23. Senevir­at­ne, Rituals of the Kandy­an state, Journ­al of the Anthro­po­lo­gic­al Soci­ety of Oxford, v.10 (2), 1979, pp.110–11.
  24. Wood, Third class tick­et, Journ­al of the Oxford India Soci­ety, v.1 (2), 1980, pp.19–21.
  25. Ergardt, Jan T. Faith and know­ledge in early Buddhism, Numen, v.XXVI (2), 1980/81, pp.267–70.
  26. (Pub­lished under the title “On Pain of Retri­bu­tion”) W. O’F­la­herty ed., Karma and rebirth in clas­sic­al Indi­an tra­di­tions, Times Lit­er­ary Sup­ple­ment, 4092,4th Septem­ber 1981, pp.995–96.
  27. Pol­lock, Shel­don, Aspects of ver­si­fic­a­tion in Sanskrit lyr­ic poetry, Indo-Ira­n­i­an Journ­al, 23, 1981, pp.51–54.
  28. Dal­lap­ic­cola ed., The stupa: its reli­gious, his­tor­ic­al, and archi­tec­tur­al sig­ni­fic­ance, Journ­al of the Roy­al Asi­at­ic Soci­ety, no.1, 1982, pp.65–68.
  29. Mas­son, The ocean­ic feel­ing: the ori­gins of reli­gious sen­ti­ment in ancient India, Journ­al of the Roy­al Asi­at­ic Soci­ety, no.1, 1982, pp.75–78.
  30. Goon­atilleke, Masks and mask sys­tems of Sri Lanka, Kalyani: Journ­al of Human­it­ies and Social Sci­ences of the Uni­ver­sity of Kelan­iya, no.1, 1982, pp.228–29.
  31. Reyn­olds ed., Cata­logue of the Sin­halese manu­scripts in the India Office Lib­rary, Journ­al of the Roy­al Asi­at­ic Soci­ety, no.1, 1983, pp.144–45.
  32. Cum­mings, The lives of the Buddha in the art and lit­er­at­ure of Asia, Journ­al of the Roy­al Asi­at­ic Soci­ety, no. 2, 1983, p.316.
  33. Car­rith­ers, Michael, The Buddha, c.1983.
  34. R. Nor­man, Pali lit­er­at­ure, includ­ing the canon­ic­al lit­er­at­ure in Prakrit and Sanskrit of all the Hīnayāna schools of Buddhism, Journ­al of the Roy­al Asi­at­ic Soci­ety, no.1, 1984, pp.164–66.
  35. Sharma, Damod­ar, Hindu belief and prac­tice. c.1984.
  36. Zyden­bos, Mokṣa in Jain­ism accord­ing to Umās­vāti, Journ­al of the Roy­al Asi­at­ic Soci­ety, no.2, 1985, pp.213–14.
  37. Car­rith­ers, The forest monks of Sri Lanka: An anthro­po­lo­gic­al and his­tor­ic­al study, His­tory of Reli­gions, no.24, 1985, p.378.
  38. Car­rith­ers, (As no. 37 above) Reli­gion, no.15, 1985, pp.411–13.
  39. (Review art­icle: Know­ledge of the unknow­able.) S. Tam­bi­ah, The Buddhist saints of the forest and the cult of amu­lets: a study in cha­risma, hagi­o­graphy, sec­tari­an­ism, and mil­leni­al Buddhism; & M. South­wold, Buddhism in life; The anthro­po­lo­gic­al study of reli­gion and the Sin­halese prac­tice of Buddhism, Times Lit­er­ary Sup­ple­ment, 4278, 29th March 1985, pp.359–60.
  40. Wijayar­at­ne, Le moine bouddhiste selon les textes du Theravāda, Reli­gion, no.16, 1986, pp.387–89. Reprin­ted, in incom­plete form, in World Fel­low­ship of Buddhists Review, no.22, 1985, pp.33–34.
  41. Mar­rett, Paul, Jain­ism explained, The Jain, Year 9, no.1, Janu­ary 1986, pp.13–14.
  42. Bech­ert ed., On the school affil­i­ation of works of Hīnayāna lit­er­at­ure, Mundus, v.22 (4), 1986, pp.265–66.
  43. Wick­rem­er­at­ne, The gen­es­is of an ori­ent­al­ist: Thomas Wil­li­am Rhys Dav­ids and Buddhism in Sri Lanka, Indi­an Eco­nom­ic and Social His­tory Review, v.23 (1), 1986, pp.121–24.
  44. Bond, The Buddhist reviv­al in Sri Lanka: reli­gious tra­di­tion, rein­ter­pret­a­tion and response, Journ­al of the Amer­ic­an Ori­ent­al Soci­ety, v.109, 1989, pp.661–64.
  45. Con­nolly ed., Per­spect­ives on Indi­an reli­gion: papers in hon­our of Karel Wern­er, World Reli­gions in Edu­ca­tion 1989: Book Reviews, pp.7–8.
  46. Bech­ert, Die Lebenszeit des Buddha — das älteste fest­stehende Datum der indis­chen Geschichte? Journ­al of the Roy­al Asi­at­ic Soci­ety, no.2, 1989, pp.348–350.
  47. Gei­ger, Cul­ture of Ceylon in medi­aev­al times, Ori­ent­al­is­che Lit­er­at­urzei­tung, no.85, 1990, p.83.
  48. Vet­ter, The ideas and med­it­at­ive prac­tices of early Buddhism, Journ­al of the Roy­al Asi­at­ic Soci­ety, no.2, 1990, pp.405–407.
  49. Nakatani, Udānav­arga de Sub­asi: Crit­ic­al edi­tion of the Sanskrit manu­script writ­ten on pop­lar wood slats in the Pel­li­ot Col­lec­tion in the Bib­lio­thèque Nationale de Par­is, Journ­al of the Roy­al Asi­at­ic Soci­ety, no.2, 1990, pp.407–408.
  50. Lingat, Roy­autés bouddhiques: Asoka et la fonc­tion roy­ale à Ceylan, Journ­al of the Roy­al Asi­at­ic Soci­ety, v.1 (2), July 1991, pp.311–312.
  51. Khoroche, Once the Buddha was a mon­key: Ārya-Śūra’s Jātakamālā, Journ­al of the Roy­al Asi­at­ic Soci­ety, v.2 (1), April 1992, p.16.
  52. Wille, Die Hand­s­chrift­liche Über­liefer­ung des Vinayavastu der Mūlas­ar­vāstivād­in, Journ­al of the Roy­al Asi­at­ic Soci­ety, v.3 (1), April 1993, pp.142–143.
  53. Grey, A con­cord­ance of Buddhist birth stor­ies, Journ­al of the Roy­al Asi­at­ic Soci­ety, v.3 (1), 1993, pp.143–144.
  54. Cail­lat, C. ed., Middle Indo-Ary­an and Jaina stud­ies; and de Cas­par­is, J.G. ed, Sanskrit out­side India (Pan­els of the VIIth World Sanskrit Con­fer­ence, Kern Insti­tute, Leiden, 23–29 August 1987. Vols VI and VII.) Journ­al of the Roy­al Asi­at­ic Soci­ety, v.3 (2), July 1993, pp.288–290.
  55. Strong, John S. The legend and cult of Upagupta: Sanskrit Buddhism in North India and South­east Asia. Prin­ceton: Prin­ceton Uni­ver­sity Press, South Asi­an Stud­ies, v.9, 1993, pp.174–176.
  56. Gaston, Anne-Mar­ie, Siva in dance, myth and icon­o­graphy. Del­hi: Oxford Uni­ver­sity Press,1982, Ori­ent­al Art, Autumn 1993, p.94.
  57. Bech­ert, Heinz, The dat­ing of the his­tor­ic­al Buddha. / Die Datier­ung des his­tor­ischen Buddha Teil 1 (Sym­posi­um zur Buddhis­mus­forschung IV, 1, Abhand­lun­gen der Akademie der Wis­senschaften in Göt­tin­gen, Philo­lo­­gisch-his­t­or­is­che Klasse 3. Folge Nr.189). Vand­en­hoeck und Ruprecht, Göt­tin­gen 1991, Göt­tingis­che Gelehrte Anzei­gen, 246. Jahr­gang, Heft 1/2, 1994, pp.86–96.
  58. Nor­man, K.R., Col­lec­ted papers, I & II, Journ­al of the Roy­al Asi­at­ic Soci­ety, v.4 (2), April 1994, pp.113–114.
  59. Bartho­lomeusz, Tessa J., Women under the Bō tree: Buddhist nuns in Sri Lanka, Anthro­pos,91 (1/3), 1996, pp.241–244.
  60. Guruge, Ananda W.P., Aśoka, the right­eous: a defin­it­ive bio­graphy, Journ­al of the Roy­al Asi­at­ic Soci­ety, v.6 (1), April 1996, pp.117–119.
  61. Humphrey, Car­oline & James Laid­law, The archetyp­al actions of ritu­al: a the­ory of ritu­al illus­trated by the Jain rite of wor­ship, (Oxford: Clar­en­don Press, 1994), South Asia Research, v.16 (1), Spring 1996, pp.88–91.
  62. Train­or, Kev­in, Rel­ics, ritu­al, and rep­res­ent­a­tion in Buddhism: rema­ter­i­al­iz­ing the Sri Lankan Theravada tra­di­tion, (Cam­bridge: Cam­bridge Uni­ver­sity Press, 1997), Journ­al of the Roy­al Asi­at­ic Soci­ety, v.9 (1), April 1999, pp.186–188.
  63. Bartho­lomeusz, Tessa J., & Chandra R. De Silva (eds.), Buddhist fun­da­ment­al­ism and minor­ity iden­tit­ies in Sri Lanka, (Albany: SUNY Press, 1998), Bul­let­in of the School of Ori­ent­al and Afric­an Stud­ies, Uni­ver­sity of Lon­don, v.63 (1), 2000, pp.132–133.
  64. Schmithausen, Lam­bert, Maitrī and magic: aspects of the Buddhist atti­tude toward the dan­ger­ous in nature, (Vienna: Oes­ter­reichis­che Akademie der Wis­senschaften, 1997), Indo-Ira­n­i­an Journ­al, v.43 (3), Autumn 2000, pp.301–302.
  65. Gothóni, René, Atti­tudes and inter­pret­a­tions in com­par­at­ive reli­gion, (Hel­sinki: Suomalain­en Tiedakatemia, 2000), Anthro­pos, no.97, 2002/1, pp.254–256.
  66. Gra­ham, Gor­don, Uni­ver­sit­ies: the recov­ery of an idea, (Thorver­ton & Char­lottes­ville: Imprint Aca­dem­ic, 2002), The Philo­soph­ic­al Quarterly, v.53 (213), Oct 2003, pp.630–632.
  67. Omvedt, Gail, Buddhism in India: chal­len­ging brah­man­ism and caste, (Lon­don: Sage, 2003), Middle Way, v.79 (1), May-Jul 2004, pp.51–55.


  1. Bailey, Greg & Ian Mab­bett, The soci­ology of early Buddhism, Bul­let­in of the School of Ori­ent­al and Afric­an Stud­ies, Uni­ver­sity of Lon­don, v.68 (3), 2005, pp.478–479.
  2. Fynes, R.C.C. (ed. & trans.) The epi­tome of Queen Lilāvatī2 vols. (NYUP & JJC Found­a­tion, 2005-06), Jain Stud­ies, SOAS, no.3, Mar 2008, pp.42–43.
  3. Anālayo, The gen­es­is of the Bod­hisat­tva ideal, (Ham­burg Buddhist Stud­ies 1), Journ­al of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Stud­ies (JOCBS), v.1, Oct. 2011, pp.216–221.
  4. Hinüber, Oskar von, A crit­ic­al Pali dic­tion­ary. Fas­cicle 8Bris­tol & Copen­ha­gen: Pali Text Soci­ety & Roy­al Academy of Sci­ence & Let­ters, 2011. Bul­let­in of the School of Ori­ent­al and Afric­an Stud­ies, Uni­ver­sity of Lon­don, v.75 (2) 2012, pp.401–402.
  5. Yu-Shuang Yao, Taiwan’s Tzu Chi as engaged Buddhism: ori­gins, organ­iz­a­tion, appeal and social impact. Leiden: Glob­al Oriental/Brill, 2012. Journ­al of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Stud­ies,2, May 2012, pp.246–254.
  6. McMa­han, Dav­id L. (ed.), Buddhism in the mod­ern world. Journ­al of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Stud­ies,3, Nov 2012, pp.181–190.


NAME:         Richard Fran­cis Gombrich

ADDRESS: 11 Bar­ton Lane, Oxford OX3 9JR

DATE OF BIRTH:  17 July 1937




1950–1955     Schol­ar, St. Paul’s School, London

1957–1961     Demy (schol­ar), Mag­dalen Col­lege, Oxford

1959               Hon­our Clas­sic­al Mod­er­a­tions, First Class

1961               B.A. Ori­ent­al Stud­ies (Sanskrit with Pali), First Class

1961–1963     Hark­ness Fel­low of the Com­mon­wealth Fund

1963               A.M. Har­vard University

1963–1965     Treas­ury Stu­dent­ship (Scar­bor­ough Studentship)

1970               D.Phil. Oxford University




1991   Hon. D.Litt. Kalyani Uni­ver­sity, Bengal

1993   S.C. Chakraborty Medal, Asi­at­ic Soci­ety, Calcutta

1994   Sri Lanka Ran­jana (Nation­al Award)

1996   Hon. D.Ed. De Mont­fort University

1997   Uni­ver­sity Medal, Warsaw University

1997   Vacaspati (= Hon D.Litt.), Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, Tirupati

2008   Appoin­ted Hon­or­ary Life Mem­ber, Inter­na­tion­al Asso­ci­ation of Buddhist Studies




1965–1976     Lec­turer in Sanskrit and Pali, Oxford University

1966–1976     Gov­ern­ing Body Fel­low, Wolf­son Col­lege, Oxford

1976–2004     Boden Pro­fess­or of Sanskrit, Oxford University
and Pro­fess­or­i­al Fel­low, Bal­liol College

1977–              Emer­it­us Fel­low, Wolf­son College

1999–2004     Seni­or Fel­low, De Mont­fort University

1981–1982     Ben­jamin Meak­er Vis­it­ing Pro­fess­or, Uni­ver­sity of Bristol

1982               Vis­it­ing Pro­fess­or, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sci­ences Sociales, Paris

1986–1987     Stew­art Vis­it­ing Fel­low in the Human­it­ies, Prin­ceton University

1994               F.D. Maurice Lec­turer in Theo­logy and Reli­gious Stud­ies,                              King’s Col­lege London

1994               Jordan Lec­turer in Com­par­at­ive Reli­gion, SOAS

1997   Gonda Lec­turer, Roy­al Neth­er­lands Academy of Arts and Sciences

1998   Edmond Perry Lec­turer, North­west­ern University

2002–  Aca­dem­ic Dir­ect­or, Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies

2004–  Emer­it­us Fel­low, Bal­liol College

2005   Vis­it­ing Pro­fess­or, Dharma Drum Buddhist Col­lege, Taiwan

2006   Numata Vis­it­ing Pro­fess­or, SOAS

2008   Vis­it­ing Pro­fess­or, Dong-Guk Uni­ver­sity, Seoul

2008   Vis­it­ing Pro­fess­or, Hong Kong University

2009   Evans-Wentz Lec­turer, Stan­ford University

2009   Key­note Speak­er, Con­fer­ence “Buddhism in the New Cen­tury”. World         Buddhist Uni­ver­sity, Bangkok, 3rd Oct.

2010   Key­note Speak­er, Con­fer­ence: “Dis­sem­in­a­tion of Theravada             Buddhism in the 21st Cen­tury.” Maha­mak­ut Uni­ver­sity, Bangkok

2010    First Buddha Jay­anti Lec­turer, Indi­an Coun­cil of Philo­soph­ic­al                                 Research &  Rashtriya Sanskrit San­sthan, of New Del­hi, 25th Sep.

2010   Key­note Speak­er, Con­fer­ence “Dis­sem­in­a­tion of Theravada Buddhism”,    Bangkok, 30th Sep.

2011 2012 Vis­it­ing Pro­fess­or, Dharma Gate Buddhist Uni­ver­sity, Budapest

2011- Edit­or, Journ­al of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies

2012    Vis­it­ing Pro­fess­or, Fo Guang University







1974–              Fel­low of the Roy­al Asi­at­ic Society

Mem­ber of Coun­cil, 1989–1991

Mem­ber of the Pub­lic­a­tions Com­mit­tee, 1991–3

1977 —           Mem­ber, Asso­ci­ation of Social Anthro­po­lo­gists of the Commonwealth

1978–1983     Advis­ory Coun­cil, Vic­tor­ia and Albert Museum

1981–1994     Hon. Sec­ret­ary and Treas­urer, Pali Text Society

Pres­id­ent and Treas­urer, Pali Text Soci­ety, 1994–2002

Co-edit­or, Journ­al of the Pali Text Soci­ety, 1996–2002

1981–1985     Sec­ret­ary for Europe, Inter­na­tion­al Asso­ci­ation for Buddhist                          Studies

1982–1990     Fel­low of the Roy­al Soci­ety of Arts

1983–1990     Theo­lo­gic­al and Reli­gious Stud­ies Board, Nation­al Coun­cil for             Aca­dem­ic Awards

1986–1992     Mem­ber of Coun­cil, Soci­ety for South Asi­an Studies

1990–              Mem­ber, Aca­demia Europaea

1992               Mem­ber, East and South Asi­an Stud­ies Pan­el, RAE (Chair­man for S & SE Asia)

1996               Mem­ber, Theo­logy and Reli­gious Stud­ies Pan­el, RAE

2004–8           Gen­er­al Edit­or, Clay Sanskrit Library

2006-13       Pres­id­ent, UK Asso­ci­ation of Buddhist Studies

2008               Appoin­ted Hon­or­ary Life Mem­ber, Inter­na­tion­al Asso­ci­ation of Buddhist Studies

2008–              Founder-Pres­id­ent, Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies

2008-11         Trust­ee, Oxford Mind­ful­ness Centre

2011–             Edit­or, Journ­al of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies


Mem­ber of sev­er­al edit­or­i­al boards:


Oxford Uni­ver­sity South Asi­an Stud­ies Series

Gronin­gen Ori­ent­al Mono­graph Series


Journ­al of Asi­an Philosophy

Brill’s Indo­lo­gic­al Lib­rary (Advis­ory Board)

Journ­al of Buddhist Ethics

Indi­an Inter­na­tion­al Journ­al of Buddhist Studies

South Asi­an Reli­gions and Culture

Journ­al of Con­tem­por­ary Religion

Con­tem­por­ary Buddhism Journal

Buddhist Stud­ies Review

ULUBUDA online journal

Mahachu­lalongkornra­javidy­alaya Journ­al of Buddhist Studies

The Dham­ma­chai Tip­itaka Pro­ject, Thai­l­and (advis­ory board)