An inter­view with

Yasuhiko Nagano

Pos­i­tion & Affil­i­ation: Pro­fess­or emer­it­us at the Nation­al Museum of Eth­no­logy, Osaka, and the Gradu­ate Uni­ver­sity for Advanced Stud­ies, Hayama
Date: Decem­ber 11, 2020 in Osaka, Japan
Inter­viewed by: Ai Nishida and Kazushi Iwao

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Oral His­tory of Tibetan Stud­ies. (2021, Decem­ber 2). An inter­view with Yas­uhiko Nagano. Retrieved 15 Octo­ber 2024, from
“An inter­view with Yas­uhiko Nagano.” Oral His­tory of Tibetan Stud­ies, 2 Dec. 2021,
Oral His­tory of Tibetan Stud­ies. 2021. An inter­view with Yas­uhiko Nagano. [online], Avail­able at: [Accessed 15 Octo­ber 2024]
Oral His­tory of Tibetan Stud­ies. “An inter­view with Yas­uhiko Nagano.” 2021, Decem­ber 2.

Dis­claim­er: The views and opin­ions expressed in this inter­view are those of the inter­viewee and do not neces­sar­ily rep­res­ent the offi­cial pos­i­tion of the Oral His­tory of Tibetan Stud­ies project.


Additional info

Academic Qualifications:

B.A. Tokyo Univ. of For­eign Stud­ies 1969
M.A. Univ. of Tokyo 1971
M.A. Univ. of Cali­for­nia, Berke­ley 1978
Ph.D. Univ. of Cali­for­nia, Berke­ley 1983

Geographical Areas of Interest:

Tibeto-Bur­­man area.

Ethnic Groups:

Tibetan, Gyarong


His­tor­ic­al lin­guist­ics, lex­ic­al semantics

Publications (Bon Studies Series):

Bon brgya dge legs lhun grub rgya mtsho, Shin’i­chi Tsumagari, Musashi Tachi­kawa and Yas­uhiko Nagano(eds.)Bon Stud­ies 13 : Bonpo Thang­kas from Reb­kong. (Senri Eth­no­lo­gic­al Reports 95). Nation­al Museum of Ethnology
Guil­laume Jacques and Chen Zhen Yas­uhiko Nagano(eds.) Gyal­rong Stud­ies 1 : Une ver­sion rgy­al­rong de l’e­popee de Gesar (Senri Eth­no­lo­gic­al Reports 93). Nation­al Museum of Ethnology
(With Ngag­d­bang Tshul Krims) Bon Stud­ies 12: A Lex­icon of the rGy­al­rong bTsan­lha Dia­lect. In M. Prins and Y. Nagano (eds.) Senri Eth­no­lo­gic­al Reports 79. Nation­al Museum of Ethnology.
Bon Stud­ies 11: A Lex­icon of Zhang­zhung and Bonpo Terms. In Y. Nagano and Samten G Karmay (eds.) Senri Eth­no­lo­gic­al Reports 76. Nation­al Museum of Ethnology.
Bon Stud­ies 10: Bonpo Thang­kas from Khy­un­gpo. In Tenpa Yun­g­drung, P. Kvaerne, M. Tachi­kawa and Y. Nagano (eds.) Senri Eth­no­lo­gic­al Reports 60. Nation­al Museum of Ethnology.
Bon Stud­ies 8: A Cata­logue of the Bon Kan­jur. In D. Mar­tin (Gen­er­al edit­or), P. Kvaerne (Pro­ject coordin­at­or), and Y. Nagano (Series edit­or) (eds.) Senri Eth­nol­gic­al Reports 40. Nation­al Museum of Ethnology.
Bon Stud­ies 7: A Sur­vey of Bonpo Mon­as­ter­ies and Temples in Tibet and the Him­alaya. In Samten G. Karmay, and Y. Nagano (eds.) Senri Eth­nol­gic­al Reports 38. Nation­al Museum of Ethnology.
Bon Stud­ies 6: The Call of the Blue Cukoo. In Samuten G. Karmay and Y. Nagano (eds.) Senri Eth­nol­gic­al Reports 32. Nation­al Museum of Ethnology.
Bon Stud­ies 5: A Cata­logue of the New Col­lec­tion of Bonpo Katen Texts–indices. In Samten G. Karmay and Y. Nagano (eds.) Senri Eth­nol­gic­al Reports 25. (With CD-ROM). Nation­al Museum of Ethnology.
Bon Stud­ies 4: A Cata­logue of the New Col­lec­tion of Bonpo Katen Texts. In Samten G. Karmay and Y. Nagano (eds.) Senri Eth­nol­gic­al Reports 24. Nation­al Museum of Ethnology.
Bon Stud­ies 3: New Research on Zhang­zhung and Related Him­alay­an Lan­guages. In Y. Nagano and R. J. LaPolla (eds.) Senri Eth­nol­gic­al Reports 19. Nation­al Museum of Ethnology.
Bon Stud­ies 2: New Hori­zons in Bon Stud­ies. In Samten G. Karmay and Y. Nagano (eds.) Senri Eth­nol­gic­al Reports 15. Nation­al Museum of Ethnology.
Bon Stud­ies 1: Man­dalas of the Bon Reli­gion. In Ten­zin Nam­dak, Y. Nagano and M. Tachi­kawa (eds.) Senri Eth­nol­gic­al Reports 12. Nation­al Museum of Ethnology


Cogtse Gyarong. The Sino-Tibetan Lan­guages, pp.469–489. Lon­don: Routledge.
Pre­lim­in­ary Remarks on Gyarong Neg­a­tion Particles. In D. Brad­ley et al. (eds.) Lan­guage Vari­ation (Pacific Lin­guist­ics 555), pp.159–172.
A Gen­er­al Review of the Zhang­zhung Stud­ies. In Y. Nishi and Y. Nagano (eds.) Senri Eth­nol­gic­al Reports 19: 1–30. Nation­al Museum of Ethnology.
Pre­lim­in­ary Ana­lys­is of the Old Zhang­zhung Lan­guage and Manu­scripts. In T. Takeu­chi, Y. Nagano and S. Ueda (eds.) Senri Eth­nol­gic­al Reports 19: 45–96. Nation­al Museum of Ethnology.
Time, Lan­guage and Cog­ni­tion. Senri Eth­no­lo­gic­al Stud­ies 45, Nation­al Museum of Ethnology
Time, Lan­guage and Cognition–By Way of Intro­duc­tion. Senri Eth­no­lo­gic­al Stud­ies 45. Nation­al Museum of Ethnology.
A Mor­pho­lo­gic­al Index of Clas­sic­al Tibetan. Seishido.(-1998)
New Hori­zons in Tibeto-Bur­­man Morpho­syn­tax. In Y. Nishi, J. A. Mat­isoff, and Y. Nagano (eds.) Senri Eth­no­lo­gic­al Stud­ies 41. Nation­al Museum of Ethnology.
Func­tions of Writ­ten Tibetan Instru­ment­al Particle, ‑kyis, Revis­ited. In Y. Nishi, J. A. Mat­isoff and Y. Nagano (eds.) New Hori­zons in Tibeto-Bur­­man Morpho­syn­tax (Senri Eth­no­lo­gic­al Stud­ies 41), pp.133–141. Nation­al Museum of Ethnology.
Cur­rent Issues in Sino-Tibetan Linguistics–Proceedings of the 26th Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence of Sino-Tibetan Lan­guages and Lin­guist­ics. [1086ps. ] In H. Kit­amura, T. Nishida and Y. Nagano (eds.) Cur­rent issues in Sino-Tibetan Lin­guist­ics. Osaka: 26th ICSTLL Organ­iz­ing Com­mit­tee. Nation­al Museum of Ethnology.
From Ved­ic Altar to Vil­lage Shrine. In Y. Nagano and Y. Ikari (eds.) Senri Eth­no­lo­gic­al Stud­ies 36. Nation­al Musum of Ethnology.
A Per­spect­ive on India’s Com­pos­ite Cul­ture. In Y. Nagano and Y. Ikari (eds.) From Ved­ic Altar to Vil­lage Shrine (Senri Eth­no­lo­gic­al Stud­ies 36), pp.1–4. Nation­al Museum of Ethnology.
M. Tachi­kawa and Y. Nagano (eds.) A Cata­logue of the United States Lib­rary of Con­gress Col­lec­tion of Tibetan Lit­er­at­ure in Microfis­che (In col­lab­or­a­tion with Shunzo Onoda and Fujio Tanigu­chi). Inter­na­tion­al Insti­tute for Buddhist Studies.
Some Ergat­ive Phe­nom­ena in Tibeto-Bur­­man. Mem­oirs of the Research Depart­ment of the Toyo Bunko 45: 53–74.
A Check­list of Newari Ergat­iv­ity. Monu­menta Ser­in­dica 15: 167–185. Research Insti­tute for Lan­guages and Cul­tures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo Uni­ver­sity of For­eign Studies.
Anthro­po­lo­gic­al and Lin­guist­ic Stud­ies of the Kath­mandu Val­ley and the Gandaki Area in Nepal. In H. Ishii, M. Tachi­kawa, S. Nakaza­wa, Y. Nagano, and M. Hoshi (eds.) Monu­menta Ser­in­dica 15. Research Insti­tute for Lan­guages and Cul­tures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo Uni­ver­sity of For­eign Studies.
Pre­lim­in­ary Notes on gLo-skad (Mus­tang Tibetan). In G.Thurgood et al. (eds.) Lin­guist­ics of the Sino-Tibetan Area, pp.451–462. Aus­trali­an Nation­al University.
A Man­ang Gloss­ary. Monu­menta Ser­in­dica 12: 203–234. Research Insti­tute for Lan­guages and Cul­tures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo Uni­ver­sity of For­eign Studies.
A His­tor­ic­al Study of the rGyarong Verb Sys­tem. Seishido.
A His­tor­ic­al Study of gLo Tibetan. Bul­let­in of the Nation­al Museum of Eth­no­logy (7)–(3): 472–513.


On Zhang­zhung Studies–General Review and a Per­spect­ive.” Mon­buk­agak­ushou Inter­na­tion­al Sym­posi­um Inter­na­tion­al Area Study Con­fer­ence. Osaka.
Cur­rent Issues on Bon Stud­ies.” Mon­buk­agak­ushou Inter­na­tion­al Sym­posi­um Inter­na­tion­al Area Study Con­fer­ence, Osaka.
Ergat­ive Phe­nom­ena in Mod­ern Tibetan.” Inter­na­tion­al Seminor of Tibet­o­logy, Beijing.
Ergat­iv­ity in Tibetan.” Inter­na­tion­al Con­fer­ence of Sino-Tibetan Lan­guages and Lin­guist­ics in Leiden.