Presentation: Sustainability in DH Projects

On June 3, we will be tak­ing part in The Digit­al Ori­ent­al­ist’s 2023 online con­fer­ence on “Sus­tain­ab­il­ity in the Digit­al Human­it­ies”. Daniel Wojahn and Rachael Grif­fiths will be present­ing on “Bal­an­cing…

Project presentation at IATS 2019

The Oral His­tory of Tibetan Stud­ies pro­ject will be presen­ted in its pre­lim­in­ary form at the 15th IATS Sem­in­ar 2019 in Par­is. Our slot is on Tues­day, 9th July @…

Press: Voices from Oxford Interview

News, Press
Voices from Oxford, a wide-ran­ging series of web­casts from Oxford Uni­ver­sity inter­viewed us recently. Anna Sehnalova and Rachael Grif­fiths speak with Dir­ect­or of Voices from Oxford, Dr Sung Hee Kim…