
Last updated: Decem­ber 07, 2021

Interpretation and Definitions


The words of which the ini­tial let­ter is cap­it­al­ized have mean­ings defined under the fol­low­ing conditions.
The fol­low­ing defin­i­tions shall have the same mean­ing regard­less of wheth­er they appear in sin­gu­lar or in plural.


For the pur­poses of this Disclaimer:

  • Com­pany (referred to as either “the Com­pany”, “We”, “Us” or “Our” in this Dis­claim­er) refers to Oral His­tory of Tibetan Studies.
  • Ser­vice refers to the Website.
  • You means the indi­vidu­al access­ing the Ser­vice, or the com­pany, or oth­er leg­al entity on behalf of which such indi­vidu­al is access­ing or using the Ser­vice, as applicable.
  • Web­site refers to Oral His­tory of Tibetan Stud­ies, access­ible from https://oralhistory.iats.info


The inform­a­tion con­tained on the Ser­vice is for gen­er­al inform­a­tion pur­poses only.

The Com­pany assumes no respons­ib­il­ity for errors or omis­sions in the con­tents of the Service.

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The Ser­vice may con­tain views and opin­ions which are those of the authors and do not neces­sar­ily reflect the offi­cial policy or pos­i­tion of any oth­er author, agency, organ­iz­a­tion, employ­er or com­pany, includ­ing the Company.

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In no event shall the Com­pany or its sup­pli­ers be liable for any spe­cial, incid­ent­al, indir­ect, or con­sequen­tial dam­ages what­so­ever arising out of or in con­nec­tion with your access or use or inab­il­ity to access or use the Service.

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The Com­pany will not be liable to You or any­one else for any decision made or action taken in reli­ance on the inform­a­tion giv­en by the Ser­vice or for any con­sequen­tial, spe­cial or sim­il­ar dam­ages, even if advised of the pos­sib­il­ity of such damages.

Contact Us

If you have any ques­tions about this Dis­claim­er, You can con­tact Us:

  • By email: oralhistory@iats.info