Privacy Policy

Last updated: March 23, 2022

This Pri­vacy Policy describes Our policies and pro­ced­ures on the col­lec­tion, use and dis­clos­ure of Your inform­a­tion when You use the Ser­vice and tells You about Your pri­vacy rights and how the law pro­tects You.

We use Your Per­son­al data to provide and improve the Ser­vice. By using the Ser­vice, You agree to the col­lec­tion and use of inform­a­tion in accord­ance with this Pri­vacy Policy. This Pri­vacy Policy has been cre­ated with the help of the Pri­vacy Policy Tem­plate.

Interpretation and Definitions


The words of which the ini­tial let­ter is cap­it­al­ized have mean­ings defined under the fol­low­ing con­di­tions. The fol­low­ing defin­i­tions shall have the same mean­ing regard­less of wheth­er they appear in sin­gu­lar or in plural.


For the pur­poses of this Pri­vacy Policy:

  • Account means a unique account cre­ated for You to access our Ser­vice or parts of our Service.

  • Com­pany (referred to as either “the Com­pany”, “We”, “Us” or “Our” in this Agree­ment) refers to Oral His­tory of Tibetan Studies.

  • Cook­ies are small files that are placed on Your com­puter, mobile device or any oth­er device by a web­site, con­tain­ing the details of Your brows­ing his­tory on that web­site among its many uses.

  • Coun­try refers to: United Kingdom

  • Device means any device that can access the Ser­vice such as a com­puter, a cell­phone or a digit­al tablet.

  • Per­son­al Data is any inform­a­tion that relates to an iden­ti­fied or iden­ti­fi­able individual.

  • Ser­vice refers to the Website.

  • Ser­vice Pro­vider means any nat­ur­al or leg­al per­son who pro­cesses the data on behalf of the Com­pany. It refers to third-party com­pan­ies or indi­vidu­als employed by the Com­pany to facil­it­ate the Ser­vice, to provide the Ser­vice on behalf of the Com­pany, to per­form ser­vices related to the Ser­vice or to assist the Com­pany in ana­lyz­ing how the Ser­vice is used.

  • Usage Data refers to data col­lec­ted auto­mat­ic­ally, either gen­er­ated by the use of the Ser­vice or from the Ser­vice infra­struc­ture itself (for example, the dur­a­tion of a page visit).

  • Web­site refers to Oral His­tory of Tibetan Stud­ies, access­ible from

  • You means the indi­vidu­al access­ing or using the Ser­vice, or the com­pany, or oth­er leg­al entity on behalf of which such indi­vidu­al is access­ing or using the Ser­vice, as applicable.

Collecting and Using Your Personal Data

Types of Data Collected

Personal Data

While using Our Ser­vice, We may ask You to provide Us with cer­tain per­son­ally iden­ti­fi­able inform­a­tion that can be used to con­tact or identi­fy You. Per­son­ally iden­ti­fi­able inform­a­tion may include, but is not lim­ited to:

  • Email address

  • First name and last name

  • Usage Data

Usage Data

Usage Data is col­lec­ted auto­mat­ic­ally when using the Service.

Usage Data may include inform­a­tion such as Your Device’s Inter­net Pro­tocol address (e.g. IP address), browser type, browser ver­sion, the pages of our Ser­vice that You vis­it, the time and date of Your vis­it, the time spent on those pages, unique device iden­ti­fi­ers and oth­er dia­gnost­ic data.

When You access the Ser­vice by or through a mobile device, We may col­lect cer­tain inform­a­tion auto­mat­ic­ally, includ­ing, but not lim­ited to, the type of mobile device You use, Your mobile device unique ID, the IP address of Your mobile device, Your mobile oper­at­ing sys­tem, the type of mobile Inter­net browser You use, unique device iden­ti­fi­ers and oth­er dia­gnost­ic data.

We may also col­lect inform­a­tion that Your browser sends whenev­er You vis­it our Ser­vice or when You access the Ser­vice by or through a mobile device.

Tracking Technologies and Cookies

We use Cook­ies and sim­il­ar track­ing tech­no­lo­gies to track the activ­ity on Our Ser­vice and store cer­tain inform­a­tion. Track­ing tech­no­lo­gies used are beacons, tags, and scripts to col­lect and track inform­a­tion and to improve and ana­lyze Our Ser­vice. The tech­no­lo­gies We use may include:

  • Cook­ies or Browser Cook­ies. A cook­ie is a small file placed on Your Device. You can instruct Your browser to refuse all Cook­ies or to indic­ate when a Cook­ie is being sent. How­ever, if You do not accept Cook­ies, You may not be able to use some parts of our Ser­vice. Unless you have adjus­ted Your browser set­ting so that it will refuse Cook­ies, our Ser­vice may use Cookies.
  • Flash Cook­ies. Cer­tain fea­tures of our Ser­vice may use loc­al stored objects (or Flash Cook­ies) to col­lect and store inform­a­tion about Your pref­er­ences or Your activ­ity on our Ser­vice. Flash Cook­ies are not man­aged by the same browser set­tings as those used for Browser Cook­ies. For more inform­a­tion on how You can delete Flash Cook­ies, please read “Where can I change the set­tings for dis­abling, or delet­ing loc­al shared objects?” avail­able at
  • Web Beacons. Cer­tain sec­tions of our Ser­vice and our emails may con­tain small elec­tron­ic files known as web beacons (also referred to as clear gifs, pixel tags, and single-pixel gifs) that per­mit the Com­pany, for example, to count users who have vis­ited those pages or opened an email and for oth­er related web­site stat­ist­ics (for example, record­ing the pop­ular­ity of a cer­tain sec­tion and veri­fy­ing sys­tem and serv­er integrity).

Cook­ies can be “Per­sist­ent” or “Ses­sion” Cook­ies. Per­sist­ent Cook­ies remain on Your per­son­al com­puter or mobile device when You go off­line, while Ses­sion Cook­ies are deleted as soon as You close Your web browser. You can learn more about cook­ies here: Cook­ies by Terms­Feed Gen­er­at­or.

We use both Ses­sion and Per­sist­ent Cook­ies for the pur­poses set out below:

  • Neces­sary / Essen­tial Cookies

    Type: Ses­sion Cookies

    Admin­istered by: Us

    Pur­pose: These Cook­ies are essen­tial to provide You with ser­vices avail­able through the Web­site and to enable You to use some of its fea­tures. They help to authen­tic­ate users and pre­vent fraud­u­lent use of user accounts. Without these Cook­ies, the ser­vices that You have asked for can­not be provided, and We only use these Cook­ies to provide You with those services.

  • Cook­ies Policy / Notice Accept­ance Cookies

    Type: Per­sist­ent Cookies

    Admin­istered by: Us

    Pur­pose: These Cook­ies identi­fy if users have accep­ted the use of cook­ies on the Website.

  • Func­tion­al­ity Cookies

    Type: Per­sist­ent Cookies

    Admin­istered by: Us

    Pur­pose: These Cook­ies allow us to remem­ber choices You make when You use the Web­site, such as remem­ber­ing your login details or lan­guage pref­er­ence. The pur­pose of these Cook­ies is to provide You with a more per­son­al exper­i­ence and to avoid You hav­ing to re-enter your pref­er­ences every time You use the Website.

For more inform­a­tion about the cook­ies we use and your choices regard­ing cook­ies, please vis­it our Cook­ies Policy or the Cook­ies sec­tion of our Pri­vacy Policy.

Use of Your Personal Data

The Com­pany may use Per­son­al Data for the fol­low­ing purposes:

  • To provide and main­tain our Ser­vice, includ­ing to mon­it­or the usage of our Service.

  • To con­tact You

  • To provide You with news, and gen­er­al inform­a­tion about oth­er events which we offer unless You have opted not to receive such information.

  • To man­age Your requests: To attend and man­age Your requests to Us.

We may do not share Your per­son­al inform­a­tion in any situation.

Retention of Your Personal Data

The Com­pany will retain Your Per­son­al Data only for as long as is neces­sary for the pur­poses set out in this Pri­vacy Policy. We will retain and use Your Per­son­al Data to the extent neces­sary to com­ply with our leg­al oblig­a­tions (for example, if we are required to retain your data to com­ply with applic­able laws), resolve dis­putes, and enforce our leg­al agree­ments and policies.

The Com­pany will also retain Usage Data for intern­al ana­lys­is pur­poses. Usage Data is gen­er­ally retained for a short­er peri­od of time, except when this data is used to strengthen the secur­ity or to improve the func­tion­al­ity of Our Ser­vice, or We are leg­ally oblig­ated to retain this data for longer time periods.

Transfer of Your Personal Data

Your inform­a­tion, includ­ing Per­son­al Data, is pro­cessed at the Com­pany’s oper­at­ing offices and in any oth­er places where the parties involved in the pro­cessing are loc­ated. It means that this inform­a­tion may be trans­ferred to — and main­tained on — com­puters loc­ated out­side of Your state, province, coun­try or oth­er gov­ern­ment­al jur­is­dic­tion where the data pro­tec­tion laws may dif­fer than those from Your jurisdiction.

Your con­sent to this Pri­vacy Policy fol­lowed by Your sub­mis­sion of such inform­a­tion rep­res­ents Your agree­ment to that transfer.

The Com­pany will take all steps reas­on­ably neces­sary to ensure that Your data is treated securely and in accord­ance with this Pri­vacy Policy and no trans­fer of Your Per­son­al Data will take place to an organ­iz­a­tion or a coun­try unless there are adequate con­trols in place includ­ing the secur­ity of Your data and oth­er per­son­al information.

Security of Your Personal Data

The secur­ity of Your Per­son­al Data is import­ant to Us, but remem­ber that no meth­od of trans­mis­sion over the Inter­net, or meth­od of elec­tron­ic stor­age is 100% secure. While We strive to use com­mer­cially accept­able means to pro­tect Your Per­son­al Data, We can­not guar­an­tee its abso­lute security.

Children’s Privacy

Our Ser­vice does not address any­one under the age of 13. We do not know­ingly col­lect per­son­ally iden­ti­fi­able inform­a­tion from any­one under the age of 13. If You are a par­ent or guard­i­an and You are aware that Your child has provided Us with Per­son­al Data, please con­tact Us. If We become aware that We have col­lec­ted Per­son­al Data from any­one under the age of 13 without veri­fic­a­tion of par­ent­al con­sent, We take steps to remove that inform­a­tion from Our servers.

If We need to rely on con­sent as a leg­al basis for pro­cessing Your inform­a­tion and Your coun­try requires con­sent from a par­ent, We may require Your par­ent’s con­sent before We col­lect and use that information.

Links to Other Websites

Our Ser­vice may con­tain links to oth­er web­sites that are not oper­ated by Us. If You click on a third party link, You will be dir­ec­ted to that third party’s site. We strongly advise You to review the Pri­vacy Policy of every site You visit.

We have no con­trol over and assume no respons­ib­il­ity for the con­tent, pri­vacy policies or prac­tices of any third party sites or services.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update Our Pri­vacy Policy from time to time. We will noti­fy You of any changes by post­ing the new Pri­vacy Policy on this page.

We will let You know via email and/or a prom­in­ent notice on Our Ser­vice, pri­or to the change becom­ing effect­ive and update the “Last updated” date at the top of this Pri­vacy Policy.

You are advised to review this Pri­vacy Policy peri­od­ic­ally for any changes. Changes to this Pri­vacy Policy are effect­ive when they are pos­ted on this page.

Contact Us

If you have any ques­tions about this Pri­vacy Policy, You can con­tact us:

  • By email: